
Internationalization (i18n)

The JDistil framework includes support for internationalization of all application resources. These resources include page names, action names, field names, system messages, operator names, and data formats such as date, time, and numeric values. Internationalized resources need to be defined in locale specific resource bundle classes and the base class names need to be configured in the "core.properties" file. There are several properties supporting internationalization in the "core.properties" and each property is focused on a specific resource type. Additionally, each property supports specification of multiple base resource class names using comma delimited values.


This section provides an example supporting the Spanish (es) locale. This includes the configuration used to reference locale specific resources and specific implementations of resources supporting the Spanish (es) locale. Additional locales can be supported by implementing locale specific resources in the same package.

The following is an example configuration used to reference locale specific resources in the "com.bws.demo.i18n" package.
# List of comma delimited base resource names supporting application descriptions.
# Resources defining locale specific translations for application descriptions.
# Default values are used if no resource is defined.
# See descriptions defined in application configuration for page, action and field keys.

# List of comma delimited base resource names supporting application messages.
# Resources defining locale specific translations for application messages.
# Default values are used if no locale specific value is defined.
# See com.bws.jdistil.core.message.MessageResource for all resource keys.

# List of comma delimited base resource names supporting application operators.
# Resources defining locale specific translations for application operators.
# Default values are used if no locale specific value is defined.
# See com.bws.jdistil.core.datasource.database.Operators for operator keys.

# List of comma delimited base resource names supporting application formats.
# Resources defining locale specific translations for application formats.
# Default values are used if no locale specific value is defined.
# See com.bws.jdistil.core.conversion.Formats for all resource keys.
The following is an example implementation of the description resource for the Spanish (es) locale. This includes translations for all application specific text values in addition to the text values associated with the Codes and Security modules.
package com.bws.demo.i18n;

import java.util.ListResourceBundle;

public class DescriptionResource_es extends ListResourceBundle {

  static final Object[][] contents = {
    // Demo application values
    {"Customer", "Cliente"},
    {"Customers", "Clientes"},
    {"Shipper", "Expedidor"},
    {"Shippers", "Expedidores"},
    {"Purchase Order", "Orden de Compra"},
    {"Purchase Orders", "Ordenes de Compra"},
    {"Order Detail", "Detalle de la Orden"},
    {"Order Details", "Detalles de la Orden"},
    {"Supplier", "Proveedor"},
    {"Suppliers", "Proveedor"},
    {"Contact", "Contacto"},
    {"Contacts", "Contactos"},
    {"Product", "Producto"},
    {"Products", "Productos"},
    {"Manage Customers", "Administrar Clientes"},
    {"Manage Shippers", "Administrar Expedidores"},
    {"Manage Purchase Orders", "Administrar Ordenes de Compra"},
    {"Manage Order Details", "Administrar Detalles de la Orden"},
    {"Manage Suppliers", "Administrar Proveedor"},
    {"Manage Contacts", "Administrar Contactos"},
    {"Manage Products", "Administrar Productos"},
    {"Name", "Nombre"},
    {"Type", "Escribe"},
    {"Address", "Dirección"},
    {"City", "Ciudad"},
    {"State", "Estado"},
    {"Postal Code", "Código Postal"},
    {"Phone", "Teléfono"},
    {"Order Date", "Fecha de Orden"},
    {"Ship Date", "Fecha de Envío"},
    {"Freight", "Carga"},
    {"Expedite", "Acelerar"},
    {"Quantity", "Cantidad"},
    {"Discount", "Descuento"},
    {"Shipping", "Envío"},
    {"Sales Tax", "Impuesto de Venta"},
    {"Comments", "Comentarios"},
    {"First Name", "Primer Nombre"},
    {"Last Name", "Apellido"},
    {"Title", "Título"},
    {"Unit Price", "Precio Unitario"},
    {"Quantity Per Unit", "Cantidad por Unidad"},
    {"Customer Type", "Tipo de Cliente"},
    {"Customer Type 1", "Tipo de Cliente 1"},
    {"Customer Type 2", "Tipo de Cliente 2"},
    {"Customer Type 3", "Tipo de Cliente 3"},
    {"Product Type", "Tipo de Producto"},
    {"Product Type 1", "Tipo de Producto 1"},
    {"Product Type 2", "Tipo de Producto 2"},
    {"Product Type 3", "Tipo de Producto 3"},

    // Plug-in application values 
    {"Admin", "Administración"},
    {"Data", "Datos"},
    {"Hide Filter", "Ocultar Filtro"},
    {"Show Filter", "Mostrar Filtro"},
    {"Apply", "Aplicar"},
    {"Clear", "Claro"},
    {"Page", "Página"},
    {"of", "de"},
    {"Items", "Artículos"},
    {"Yes", "Sí"},
    {"Save", "Ahorrar"},
    {"Cancel", "Cancelar"},
    {"Add", "Añadir"},
    {"Remove", "Eliminar"},
    {"Close", "Cerca"},
    // Codes module values
    {"Codes", "Códigos"},
    {"Code", "Código"},
    {"Manage Codes", "Administrar Códigos"},
    {"Category", "Categoría"},
    {"Default", "Defecto"},
    // Security module values
    {"Roles", "Funciones"},
    {"Role", "Funcion"},
    {"Manage Roles", "Administrar Funciones"},
    {"Task", "Tarea"},
    {"Group", "Grupo"},
    {"Field", "Campo"},
    {"Restricted Task", "Restringido Tarea"},
    {"Read Only Fields", "Sólo Lectura Campos"},
    {"Restricted Fields", "Los Campos Restringidos"},
    {"Users", "Usuarios"},
    {"User", "Usuario"},
    {"Manage Users", "Administrar Usuarios"},
    {"Logon ID", "ID de Acceder"},
    {"Password", "Clave"},
    {"Middle Initial", "Inicial del Segundo Nombre"},
    {"Change Password", "Cambiar la Contraseña"},
    {"New Password", "Nueva Clave"},
    {"Confirm Password", "Confirmar Clave"},
    {"Incorrect password.", "Incorrecto clave."},
    {"New password and confirmation password do not match.", "Nueva contraseña y la contraseña de confirmación no coinciden."},
    {"Logon", "Acceder"},
    {"Logon failed.", "Acceder Fallo"},
    {"Logoff", "Desconectarse"},

  public Object[][] getContents() {
    return contents;

The following is an example implementation of the message resource for the Spanish (es) locale. This includes translations for all framework specific message values. Any application specific messages would also need to be defined.
package com.bws.demo.i18n;

import java.util.ListResourceBundle;

import com.bws.jdistil.core.message.Messages;

public class MessageResource_es extends ListResourceBundle {

  static final Object[][] contents = {
    {Messages.REQUIRED_FIELD, "{0} es un campo obligatorio."},
    {Messages.NON_UNIQUE, "{0} no es único."},
    {Messages.INVALID_FORMAT, "{0} tiene un formato no válido. {1}"},
    {Messages.INVALID_NUMBER, "{0} es un número no válido."},
    {Messages.GREATER_THAN_VALUE, "{0} debe ser mayor que {1}."},
    {Messages.GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_VALUE, "{0} debe ser mayor que o igual a {1}."},
    {Messages.LESS_THAN_VALUE, "{0} debe ser inferior a {1}."},
    {Messages.LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_VALUE, "{0} debe ser menor que o igual a {1}."},
    {Messages.INVALID_EMAIL, "{0} es una dirección de email no es válida."},
    {Messages.GREATER_THAN_TODAYS_DATE, "{0} debe ser mayor que la fecha de hoy."},
    {Messages.LESS_THAN_TODAYS_DATE, "{0} debe ser menor que la fecha de hoy."},
    {Messages.LESS_THAN_CHARACTERS, "{0} debe ser inferior a {1} personajes."},
    {Messages.INVALID_PRECISION, "{0} debe contener menos de {1} dígitos en total."},
    {Messages.INVALID_SCALE, "{0} debe contener menos de {1} cifras decimales."},
    {Messages.DELETE_CONFIRMATION, "¿Quieres eliminar el elemento seleccionado(s)"},

  public Object[][] getContents() {
    return contents;

The following is an example implementation of the operator resource for the Spanish (es) locale. This includes translations for all framework specific operator values.
package com.bws.demo.i18n;

import java.util.ListResourceBundle;

import com.bws.jdistil.core.datasource.database.Operators;

public class OperatorResource_es extends ListResourceBundle {

  static final Object[][] contents = {
    {Operators.BEGINS_WITH, "Empezando con"},
    {Operators.CONTAINS, "Contiene"},
    {Operators.ENDS_WITH, "Termina con"},
    {Operators.EQUALS, "Igual"},
    {Operators.NOT_EQUALS, "No es igual"},
    {Operators.GREATER_THAN, "Mas grande que"},
    {Operators.GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL, "Mayor que o igual"},
    {Operators.LESS_THAN, "Menos que"},
    {Operators.LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL, "Menor o igual"},
    {Operators.IS_NULL, "Es nulo"},
    {Operators.IS_NOT_NULL, "No es nulo"},

  public Object[][] getContents() {
    return contents;

The following is an example implementation of the format resource for the Spanish (es) locale. This includes translations for all framework specific formats.
package com.bws.demo.i18n;

import java.util.ListResourceBundle;

import com.bws.jdistil.core.conversion.Formats;

public class FormatResource_es extends ListResourceBundle {

  static final Object[][] contents = {
    {Formats.DATE_FORMAT, "MM-dd-yyyy"},
    {Formats.TIME_FORMAT, "HH:mm"},
    {Formats.DATE_TIME_FORMAT, "MM-dd-yyyy hh:mm a"},
    {Formats.NUMBER_FORMAT, "#.###"},
    {Formats.DECIMAL_FORMAT, "#.###,00"},
    {Formats.CURRENCY_FORMAT, "#.###,00"},
    {Formats.PERCENTAGE_FORMAT, "#,00%"}

  public Object[][] getContents() {
    return contents;
